The Bedlington Terrier Association
Championship Show - Judge Paul Eardley
held at Wedon Bec Village Hall
23rd October 2021
Class 1 - Minor Puppy Dog/Bitch (3)
1st  Honeymist Pinky Promise at Chaselyne
2nd  Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey
3rd  Miteymidgets New Direction

Class 2 - Puppy Dog (3)
1st  Miteymidgets New Vision
2nd  Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey
3rd  Durhamites Unzip Bojo

Class 3 - Junior Dog (2)
1st  Woolytop the Marshman at Padztar
2nd  Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey
Class 4 - Yearling Dog (2)
1st  Honeymist Blue Dreamz 
2nd  Ozbreeze Surprise of the Day at Vakablue

Class 5 - Post Graduate Dog (2)
1st  Duramites Unzip Alastair
2nd  Woolytop the Saxon at Padztar

Class 6 - Limit Dog (7/6)
1st  Plumerias Dolfhin Striker ( Imp Ita)
2nd  Kinnuva Dark Sleekster
3rd  Bluesmurf Boogie Woogie
Res Bedlishes Valient Knight at Devleigh (Imp Rus)
VHC Tcheria Tchorister
Class 7 - Open Dog (4/3) 
1st  L'End Show Mystery Uneverse (Imp Rus)
2nd  Lend Show Melody Maker (Imp Rus)
3rd  Bluesmurf Semper Videlis

Class 8 - Special Beginners Dog (0)

Class 9 - Veteran Dog (6/5)
1st  Sharnor High Intensity
2nd  Bluesmurf Semper Videlis
3rd  Honeymist Sunny Delight
Res  Catachfraze Free N Eazzi
VHC  Bluesmurf Semper Paratus

Class 10 - Champion Dog (2)
1st  Ch Tcheria Tcharleston

Class 11 - Breeders Dog (3)
1st  Woolytop The Piper's Son
2nd  Kinnuva Dark Sleekster
3rd  Kinnuva Summer Pearl

Class 12 - Non-Breeders Dog (0)

Class 13 - Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog (2)
1st  Ch Woolytop the Wherryman ShCM ShCEx
2nd  Kinnuva Summer Pearl

Class 14 - Puppy Bitch (5)
1st  Rapharnis Miss Joy Vision
2nd Miteymidgets New Variant
3rd  Devleigh Dirty Dancing
Res  Sharnor Pretty Picture
VHC Miteymidgets New Direction

Class 15 Junior Bitch (6/5)
1st  Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo 
2nd  Woolytop What's it all About
3rd  Miteymidgets Twenty Twenty
Res Tunman Trust in Me at Gemris
VHC Miteymidgets New Direction

Class 16 Yearling Bitch (2)
1st  Toolbox Yes Why Not at Squidlyannes
2nd Paceypaws Patricia

Class 17 Post Graduate Bitch (3/2)
1st  Paceypaws Patricia
2nd  Grace Iz Moskovskoy Bemty

Class 18 Limit Bitch (6/1)
1st  Trurich Summer Dream
2nd Honeymist Crazy Dreamz
3rd Jones' Pengerrig Pure Heart
Res Travellersway Brianna
VHC Kinnuva Hawaiian Velvet

Class 19 Open Bitch (7/4)
1st  Janmark Just Do It
2nd  Chaselyne About Thyme
3rd  Devleigh Wild Child
Res Travellersway Brianna

Class 20 - Special Beginners Bitch (3)
1st  Paceypaws Patricia
2nd Tunman Tip Top
3rd  Miteymidgets New Direction

Class 21 - Veteran Bitch (3)
1st  Vakurblue Bacon Buttie VW
2nd  Tcheria Tydfil of Pengerrig
3rd  Carchfraze Moment in Time

Class 22 - Champion Bitch (0)

Class 23 - Breeders Bitch (4/3)
1st  Woolytop Leading Lady
2nd  Miteymidgets Tiewie
3rd  Kinnuva Hawaiian Velvet

Class 24 - Non-Breeders Bitch (2)
1st  Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo
2nd Tunman Trust in Me at Gemris

Class 25 - Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch (2)
1st  Miteymidgets Little Hottie at Squidleyannes
2nd  Grace Iz Moskovskoy Bemty
Best in Show
Ch Tcheria Tcharleston

Reserve Best in Show
Ch Janmark Just Do It

Best Puppy in Show
Miteymidgets New Vision

Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Honeymist Pinky Promise at Chaselyne

Best Minor Puppy in Show
Honeymist Pinky Promise at Chaselyne

Best Special Beginner in show
Paceypaes Patricia

Best Veteran in Show
Sharnor High Intensity

Best Good Citizen Dog Scheme Winner
Ch Woolytop the Wherryman
Judge's Critique

Thank you to the Bedlington exhibitors for a lovely entry which I thoroughly enjoyed judging.

Sadly due to a recent bereavement the Committee were not quite at full complement. Well done to Treasurer, Sheila Baldwin, and the rest of the Committee for pulling together and running a super show. Thank you also to my super efficient stewards Chris and Linda Pack with Chris doing a great job of keeping things moving in the ring and Linda doing an equally impressive job on the record keeping.
Overall I felt that the breed is in quite good shape. There are some promising youngsters coming through and there was good competition in a number of classes.
As always with the Bedlingtons finding the correct outline both standing and moving along with the distinctive light and springy movement is a challenge and this can lead to some compromises when judging the breed.
On a less positive side there were a number of different front actions on display today and I felt that one or two of the exhibits could have a bit more length of head to balance with the body.

Minor Puppy Dog or Bitch 3 entries

1st Bishop’s Honeymist Pinky Promise at Chaselyne -good one to start with. Very feminine, super type and a lovely outline which won her the class. She is only a baby but showed flashes of good movement as she settled. Bags of promise. Best puppy bitch.
2nd Turner’s Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey-this boy was as masculine as the winner was feminine. Another with a good outline. Not quite as good up and back as the winner.

Puppy Dog-3 entries

1st Bannister’s Miteymidgets New Vision- quality boy. Lovely size, lovely outline which he held on the move, good coat coming through. I liked his movement, particularly his correct front action. Good tailset and carriage. Beat a nice girl to take best puppy in show.
2nd Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey

Junior Dog-2 entries

1st  Jackson’s Woolytop The Marshman at Padztar- this junior boy is maturing quite well. Good head. Was good up and back which won him the class. A touch long cast.   -
2nd Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey

Yearling Dog-2 entries

1st -Martin’s Honeymist Blue Dreamz – an eyecatcher. Is still maturing but already has a great head, super coat and well presented. Correct outline standing and moving. Good front action. Needs to strengthen a little in rear but there is time for that.
2nd Godden’s Ozbreeze Surprise of the Day at Vakarblue-I liked the overall look of this boy who had a good outline and a correct coat. Good in rear but a little untidy in front and the winner had better muscle tone.  

Post Graduate Dog-2 entries

1st Stannard’s Durhamites Unzip Alastair-masculine, decent head, was a touch long and a bit proud of his tail. Good temperament. 
2nd Jackson’s Woolytop the Saxon at Padztar- super temperament, sound enough in rear, not the coat of the winner and a little wider in front. 

Limit Dog-7 entries, 1 absent

1st Cooper and Davies’ Plumerias Dolphin Striker (imp Ita) -took my eye upon first inspection. Decent head, good mover well presented and handled. When it came to the higher awards I felt that his topline was flattening slightly on the move but he is a competitive dog. 
2nd Kinns’ Kinnuva Dark Sleekster-very workmanlike, ok in outline and moved well. I would like a little more substance on this boy. 

Open Dog-4 entries, 1 absent

An interesting class and I had to work in order to separate the first two.

1st Turner’s L’End Show Mystery Uneverse (imp Rus) JW ShCM Sh CEx -caught my eye on first inspection. Presented a good outline both standing and moving, had a decent coat and moved well up and back. Would perhaps benefit from a touch more substance but a well deserved Res CC.
2nd Scott’s L’End Show Melody Maker (imp Rus) -this boy had more substance and a little more glamour. However I felt that he did not hold his outline so well and was not as impressive up and back. Close decision.

Veteran Dog-6 entries, 1 absent

1st  Pedersen’s Sharnor High Intensity – nice sort, catches the eye as he has a good outline and balance. Was in good condition and well presented. A little broader in skull than some but a well deserved win and finished best veteran in show. 
2nd   Worrall’s Bluesmurf Semper Fidelis -this boy was third in the competitive open class. Good on the move which won him his place here. Tail a touch high.

Champion Dog-1 entry

1st Middlebrook’s Ch Tcheria Tcharleston  -stood alone but today could have taken on some tough competition as he filled my eye for a number of reasons. He is fully mature, masculine but in no way  coarse, one of the best heads of the day complemented by lovely big teeth. He has a lovely outline with the natural arch over the loin both standing and moving and a correctly balanced body. Moved well in all directions and tail carriage was exactly what I was looking for. Well presented and well handled. Won the CC today with a bit to spare and his obvious quality took him right through to BIS.

Breeders Dog-3 entries

1st  Baldwin’s Woolytop the Piper’s Son-nice boy who stood up well to examination. Decent outline and was well presented. Pretty good mover. Would like him a little more masculine. 
2nd Kinnuva Dark Sleester

Good Citizen Dog -2 entries

1st Offer’s Ch Woolytop the Wherryman-easy to see why this boy has his title as he is a striking dog. Good outline, well presented, fully mature, good tail carriage. Just a bit too much of him for me. 
2nd  Kinnuva Summer Pearl -this boy was also in the limit class. Was a little nervy today but did settle a bit in this class. I am sure that his young handler will persevere.

Puppy Bitch-5 entries

1st Cooper and Davies’ Rapharnis Miss Joy Division-maturing quite nicely, decent outline, lovely head carriage, moved well. 
2nd Bannister’s Miteymidgets New Variant-not as forward as the winner but possesses a good outline, moved well with typical front action. Will need plenty of time.

Junior Bitch-6 entries, 1 absent

1st Porter-Manning and Porter’s Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo-quite a mature young lady and she ticked a number of boxes. Decent coat, ok in outline, good head, ok on the move. Is one to look out for in the future I would think. 
2nd Baldwin’s Woolytop What’s it All About -pressed hard in the class as she too has a good outline and was particularly good in the rear. Just not as mature as the winner.

Yearling Bitch-2 entries

1st Jones’s Toolbox Yes Why Not at Squidlyannes (Imp Swe)-decent girl, is only just 1 year old and was quite steady, good head, good coat, nice feet.
2nd Mitchell’s Paceypaws Patricia-scored well in outline and was a good mover but was a bit apprehensive which pegged her in this class.  

Post Graduate Bitch-3 entries, 1 absent

1st  Paceypaws Patricia -
2nd Martin’s Grace Iz Moskovskoy Bemty-not a bad moving girl but she too was a bit apprehensive and had a bit too much rise in the topline when compared to the winner.  

Limit Bitch-6 entries, 1 absent

1st   Pedersen’s Trurich Summer Dream -decent outline, feminine but with enough substance, decent coat and was very steady which won her the class.
2nd Martin’s Honeymist Crazy Dreamz -lovely type, lovely head and good coat. Correct in front. Was just a bit apprehensive which pegged her today.

Open Bitch-7 entries, 3 absent

1st Scott’s Ch Janmark Just Do It -caught my eye when she came into the ring as she was feminine but still had the requisite substance, decent outline, good feet, moved ok and put in a good performance which she kept up right through the show. CC and eventually Res BIS.
2nd Bishop’s Chaselynne About Thyme-this one also caught my eye when she came into the ring. A bit more glamour than the winner, lovely type, enough substance, looks a picture when standing. Was a bit fidgety on the move however she settled when challenging for the Res CC and her quality saw her through in quite a nice bitch line up. 

Special Beginners Bitch-3 entries

1st  Paceypaws Patricia
2nd  Spiller’s Tunman Tip Top- steady performance and a decent enough outline. A little fine all through for me.

Veteran Bitch-3 entries

1st Godden’s Vakarblue Bacon Buttie -good body, decent coat for her age, good head in balance with the body, moved ok with a springy action.
2nd Jones’ Tcheria Tydfil of Pengerrig -workmanlike, a nice outline when standing, ok in head, not quite the springy footfall of the winner.

Breeders Bitch-3 entries, 1 absent

1st  Baldwin’s Woolytop Leading Lady-liked the type and proportions of this girl, decent head and moved quite well.  
2nd  Bannister’s Miteymidgets Tiewie -decent sort and looked better once she got going. Still has some maturing to do.

Non Breeders Bitch-2 entries

1st  Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo-
2nd   Corcoran’s Tunman Trust in Me with Gemris -was also in the junior class. Not the quality of the winner but well presented and in good condition.

Good Citizen Bitch-2 entries

1st Jones’ Miteymidgets Little Hottie at Squidlyannes-decent outline and body, ok in head and moved quite well. 
2nd  Grace Iz Moskovskoy Bemty

Paul Eardley
Dog CC
Ch Tcheria Tcharleston

Reserve  Dog CC
L'End Show Mystery Uneverse (Imp Rus)

Best Puppy Dog
Miteymidgets New Vision

Bitch CC
Ch Janmark Just Do It

Reserve Bitch CC
Chaselyne About Thyme

Best Puppy Bitch
Honeymist Pinky Promise at Chaselyne

Special Award Classes
Judge Paula Meacham

Class 26 Special Yearling Dog or Bitch (8/7)
1st   Ozbreeze Surprise of the Day at Vakurblue
2nd  Toolbox Yes Why Not at Squidlyannes
3rd  Dunkeswell Teal Pudsey
Res Woolytop Secret Whispa among Walleroo
VHC Miteymidgets New Direction

Class 27 Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (1)

1st  Miteymidgets Little Hottie at Squidleyannes

Class 26 Special Yearling Dog or Bitch (2/1)

1st  Kinnuva Summer Pearl