Championship Show - Judge Ben Reynolds-Frost
held at Southern Counties Championship Show
27th June 2021(2020Show)
Class 1 - Minor Puppy Dog (0)

Class 2 - Puppy Dog (1)
1st  Mary Godden's Ozbreeze Surprise of the Day at Vakablue

Class 3 - Junior Dog (0)

Class 4 - Yearling Dog (1)
1st  Annie Offer's Woolytop the Viking

Class 5 - Post Graduate Dog (2)
1st  Cooper & Davies' Plumerias Dolphin Striker (IMP ITA)
2nd  Nicky Kinn's Kinnuva Summer Pearl

Class 6 - Limit Dog (7)
1st  Sheila & Mark Baldwin's Woolytop the Piper's Son JW
2nd  Chris Harris' Ratzwell St Valentino
3rd  Dr Pollard & Mrs Barrowcliffe's Jobanker Iron Icon
Res Nicky Kinn's Kinnuva Dark Sleekster
VHC Janet Gillies Rhicullen Rennie Mac
Class 7 - Open Dog (4) 
1st  Bernadette Turner's  L'End Show Mystery Uneverse (Imp Rus)
2nd  Mrs E & Mr W Scott's Lend Show Melody Maker
3rd  Trudie Hewitt-Taylor's Mollora Red Kite for Tobanie
Res Sara Bridgeman's Tcheria Tchorister

Class 8 - Special Beginners Dog (0)

Class 9 - Veteran Dog (0)

Class 10 - Champion Dog (2)
1st  Howard & Teresa Middlebrook's Ch Tcheria Tcharleston
2nd Sheila & Mark Baldwin's Ch Woolytop the One and Only JW      ShCM

Class 11 - Minor Puppy Bitch (1)
1st Dr Pollard & Mrs Barrowcliffe's Jobanker  Cotton Candy

Class 12 Puppy Bitch (2)
1st  Angie Porter-Manning & Graham Porter's Woolytop Secret
       Wispa among Wallaroo              
2nd  Kelsey Jones Toolbox Yes Why Not at Squidlyannes

Class 13 Junior Bitch (3)
1st  Angie Porter-Manning & Graham Porter's Woolytop Secret
       Wispa among Wallaroo 
2nd  Mrs E & Mr W Scott's Janmark Just Do It
3rd  Mrs A & Mrs J Spiller Tunman Tip Top

Class 14 Yearling Bitch (3)
1st  Sheila & Mark Baldwin's Woolytop Leading Lady
2nd Trudie Hewitt-Taylor's Rathsrigg Rosabella for Tobanie
3rd  Mrs A & Mrs J Spiller Tunman Tip Top

Class 15 Post Graduate Bitch (2)
1st  Chris Harris & Phillipa Cleaver's Jobanker Virtuous Veronica
2nd  Kelsey Jones' Miteymidgets Little Hottie at Squidlyannes

Class 16 Limit Bitch (4/1)
1st  Nicky Kinn's Kinnuva Siam Jewel
2nd Nicky Kinn's Kinnuva Hawaiian Velvet
3rd  Enid & Hefin Jones' Pengerrig Pure Heart

Class 17 Open Bitch (3/1)
1st  Paula Bishop's Chaselyne About Thyme
2nd Howard & Teresa Middlebrook's Poppyblu Elara

Class 18 - Special Beginners Bitch (1)
1st Mrs A & Mrs J Spiller Tunman Tip Top

Class 19 - Veteran Bitch (4)
1st  Cathy Alders' Carchfraze Moment in Time(Neutered)
2nd  Nicky Kinns' Burmington Truly Blue
3rd  Trudie Hewitt-Taylor's Tobanie Earth Song
Res Enid & Hefin Jones' Tcheria Tydfil of Pengerrig

Class 20 - Champion Bitch (0)

Dog CC
Woolytop the Viking

Reserve  Dog CC
L'End Show Mystery Uneverse (Imp Rus)

Best Puppy Dog
Ozbreeze Surprise of the Day
Bitch CC
Chaselyne About Thyme

Reserve Bitch CC
Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo

Best Puppy Bitch
Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo
Best in Show
Chaselyne About Thyme

Reserve Best in Show
Woolytop the Viking

Best Puppy in Show
Woolytop Secret Wispa among Wallaroo

Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Ozbreeze Surprise of the Day

Best Minor Puppy in Show
Jobanker  Cotton Candy

Best Special Beginner in show
Tunman Tip Top

Best Veteran in Show
Carchfraze Moment in Time
Ben Reynolds-Frost with his BCC and DCC winners

Thank you to Lisa Williams for taking the photos
The Winning line-up
Judge's Critique

Bedlington Terrier Association – Championship Show. – June 27 2021.

It is always a pleasure to award CCs in a new breed and even more so at a club show.

For many years I have enjoyed this breed and I have been looking forward to judging them first at WKC 2020 but it was cancelled and then 2021 also cancelled. I was overjoyed to be offered this club show and would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me.
I would also like to thank my three very good stewards on the day Chris & Linda Pack and my partner Paula for keeping everything running so smoothly.

MPD (0)

PD (1,0) 1 Godden OZBREEZE SURPRISE OF THE DAY AT VAKURBLUE.  11 mths, pleasing puppy with lovely head, eye shape and colour, well shaped ear, correct front and feet. Good depth of brisket for his age and correct top line. A touch wide in front for me on the move.


YD (1,0) 1 & DCC, Offer WOOLYTOP THE VIKING. 21 mths of the correct size and shape. Well formed head and great expression with lovely dark eye of the correct shape.   Good front and depth of brisket.  Correct top line carried well on the move.   Moving well front and rear.

PGD (2,0) 1. Cooper & Davies PLUMERIAS DOLPHIN STRIKER. 2 yrs old. Quite square in body with good head and front. Right amount of bone with dark nails. Correct topline and good hind quarters. Pleasing on the move. 2. Kinns KINNUVA SUMMER PEARL. A 3 yr old is lacking show training. Handled on the day by a young handler that must be in outraged and taught how to handle her dog correctly. They are our handlers/owners of the future.

LD (7,0) 1 Baldwin WOOLYTOP THE PIPER’S SON JW. 3 yrs. Smaller than most but still in proportion. Pleasing head and expression with good front, bone and feet. Deep brisket. Would prefer slightly better in topline. Good hind quarters and moved best of the class.

2. Harris RATZWELL SAINT VALENTINO. 4 yr old. Good on the stand with well made body. Pleasing head and expression. Correct front and feet with deep brisket and good hind quarters. I would prefer better on the move in the rear. 3. Harris JOBANKER IRON TCON.

OD (4,0) 1 & Res DCC. Turner L’END SHOW MYSTERY UNEVERSE JW ShCM ShEx OSW. 3.5 yrs lovely dog standing and moving. Well shaped head and good pigment throughout. Correct length of neck, correct front, bone and feet. Nice deep brisket. 2. Scott

LEND SHOW MELODY MAKER 22 mths and quite a bit taller than most. Correct in head and neck with good front, feet, top line and hind quarters. Prefer better in rear movement.3.  Hewitt-Taylor MOLLORA RED KITE FOR TOBANIE.

SBD (0)

VD (0)
CHD (2,0) 1 Middlebrook CH.TCHERIA TCHARLESTON.  Well made 4 yr old of a good size and shape, excellent jacket, correct front, bone, feet, brisket and hind quarters. Pleasing on the move. 2. Baldwin CH. WOOLYTOP THE ONE AND ONLY JW ShCM.  Nearly 7 yrs old now and I felt he was not giving of his best on the day. Felt he was also sluggish on the move. Pleasing head and eye colour, good shoulder placement and depth of brisket.

MPB (1,0) 1. Harris JOBANKER COTTON CANDY. 8 mths liver and a lovely puppy in the making. Good head with correct ear placement, neck, front, bone and body. Good hind quarters. I feel she has a very bright future, excellent on the move.

PB (2,0) 1, Res BCC & BP. Porter-Manning & Porter WOOLYTOP SECRET WISPA AMONG WALLAROO. 11 mths. I just loved this puppy and a very real contender for the future. Good head and expression with well shaped ear and good length of neck. Correct front, feet, top line and weight. Pleasing hind quarters and excellent on the move for this youngster.  2. Jones. TOOLBOX YES WHY NOT AT SQUIDLYANNES.  11 mths prefer better head shape but has good ear placement of the correct length.Would like to see her carrying more weight. Good hind quarters, but needs more time on the move.

JB (3,0) 1. WOOLYTOP SECRET WISPA AMONG WALLAROO.  2. Scott JANMARK JUST DO IT. 16 mths good head, neck, front, shoulders jacket and top line. Good length of tail. Just needs to settle on the move. 3. Spiller TUNMAN TIP TOP.

YB (3,0) 1. Baldwin WOOLYTOP LEADING LADY. Yet another good one from this famous kennel. Good size and shape. With lovely head and neck. Good shoulders, front and feet. Good depth of brisket. Correct top line and hind quarters. Excellent on the move.

2.  TUNMAN TIP TOP. 12.5 mths and much smaller than most but in proportion. Still needs loads of time spent on training dog and owner to get the best from her. 3. Hewitt-Taylor RATHSRIGG ROSABELLA FOR TOBANie

PGB (2,0) 1. Harris & Cleaver JOBANKER VIRTUOUS VERONICA.  3 yr old liver of the correct size and shape. Pleasing head, neck, shoulder front and feet. Good depth of brisket and good body and hind quarters. Pleasing on the move. 2. Jones MITEY MIDGETS LITTLE HOTTIE AT SQUIDLYANNES. 2 yrs smaller, would like slightly more in head even for a bitch. Good front and depth with good hind quarters. Moving well both ways.

LB (4,1) Kinns. KINNUVA SIAM JEWEL. 7 yr old and still looking good and youthful. Correct in head, neck, front and brisket. Prefer better in top line. Unsteady on the move.but settled in the end. 2 Kinns. KINNUVA HAWAIIAN VELVET. 3 yr old would like more of this bitch aground. Like better head, good front and bone with correct feet and depth for a bitch. Pleasing on the move. 3. Jones PENGERRIG PURE HEART.

OB (3,1) 1, BCC & BOB. Bishop CHASELYNE ABOUT THYME. 2 yr old. For me this is a magnificent bitch in many ways.  She captured my eye as she entered the ring and I was not disappointed. Correct size, shape, front and top line. Best of heads and good in hind quarters. Excellent on the move. 2. Middlebrook POPPYBLU ELARA 5 yr old and totally outclassed by the winner. More rangey than I prefer. Good head, front and feet, top line and hind quarters. She was playing on the move.


VB (4,0) 1 & BV Alders CATCHFRAZE MOMENT IN TIME. 10 yr old looking in peak condition for her age. Still moving like a younger bitch. Excellent jacket. 2. Kinns BURMINGTON TRULY BLUE. 12 yr old and from hard working stock. Tip top condition and moving well. 3 Hewitt-Taylor TOBANIE EARTH SONG.

ChB (0).

The breed at Southern Counties was judged by my good friend and his main winners we’re exactly the same as mine so many congratulations to both owners winning their first two CCs for their dogs on the same day. May it not be too long before you both make your dogs up.

Ben Reynolds Frost [Judge]

The Bedlington Terrier Association