For activities for 2024 please look at the Events Page
This year is our Centenary Year 1924 - 2024
See Events page
The Bedlington Terrier Association is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into effect on the 25th May, 2018, this states that we need to inform you regarding the use and storage of your personal data.
We take your privacy seriously and will only store the personal information we need to administer the club membership, which is only accessed by the secretary, membership secretary, and treasurer (when people send membership fees to the treasurer directly). It may be made available to the Kennel Club if required also to communicate information that we feel would be of interest to you. The Bedlington Terrier Association will keep such records of members for two years after non-payment of membership, then they will be destroyed.
Data received with entry forms is used for the club to check entries and the compilation of show catalogues which are shared with the printers and are securely stored for up to two years, then destroyed. One catalogue will be stored in the club’s archives.
Whenever we process data we will ensure that we always keep your personal data rights in high regard and take account of these rights.
About the Bedlington Terrier Association
The BTA was formed in 1924 and already looks forward to celebrating it’s centenary in 2024. The Bedlington Terrier Association’s aim is to promote the welfare, well being and responsible breeding of the Bedlington, whether they be pet, show or working dog. Our members are all lovers of this unique breed and we offer a warm welcome to new members, from both the UK and abroad. A membership form may be downloaded from the Forms page on this site.
The BTA holds 2 shows per year, an Open show in Spring and a Championship show in Autumn. We have a Breed Stall at Crufts for information on the breed and with a selection of breed related items for sale. We also hold occasional grooming and breed seminars. Full details of future events may be found on our Events page.
If you own a Bedlington Terrier, are considering the purchase of one, or simply have an interest in the breed, then you will receive a warm welcome at any of our events. There is always someone available to give advice regarding grooming, the purchase of a puppy from a reputable breeder, the search for a rescue dog, training tips etc.
General Appearance - A graceful lithe, muscular dog, wth no signs of weakness or coarseness. Whole head pear or wedge shaped and expression in repose mild and gentle.
Characteristics - Spirited and game, full of confidence. An intelligent companion with strong sporting instincts.
Temperament - Good natured, having an affectionate nature, dignified, not shy or nervous. Mild in repose but full of courage when roused.
Head and Skull - Skull narrow, but deep and rounded, covered with profuse silk top-knot which should be nearly white. Jaw long and tapering. There must be no “stop”, the line from occiput to nose end straight and unbroken. Well filled up beneath eye. Close fitting lips, without flews. Nostrils large and well-defined.
Ears - Moderate sized, filbert shaped, set on low and hanging flat to the cheek. Thin and velvety in texture,
covered with short fine hair with fringe of whitish silk hair on tip.
Neck - Long and tapering, deep base with no tendency to throatiness. Springs well up from shoulders and head
carried high.
Mouth - Teeth large and strong. Scissor bite, ie upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Body - Muscular and markedly flexible. Chest deep and fairly broad. Flat ribbed, deep through brisket which reaches
to elbow. Back has natural arch over the loin, creating a definite tuck-up of underline. Body slightly greater in
length than height.
Forequarters - Forelegs straight, wider apart at chest than at feet. Pasterns long and sloping without weakness.
Shoulders flat and sloping.
Hind Quarters - Muscular and moderate length, arched loin with curved topline immediately over loins.
Hind legs have appearance of being longer than forelegs. Hocks strong and well let down, turning neither in nor out.
Feet - Long hare feet with thick and well closed up pads. Pads sound and free from cracks or horny excresences.
Tail - Moderate length, thick at root tapering to a point and gracefully curved. Set on low, never carried over back.
Gait/Movement - Capable of galloping at high speed and has appearance of being able to do so. Action very
distinctive rather mincing, light and springy in slower paces and slight roll when in full stride.
Coat - Very distinctive. Thick and linty, standing well out from skin but not wiry. A distinct tendency to twist particularly on head and face.
Colour - Blue, liver or sandy with or without tan. Darker pigment to be encouraged. Blues and blue-and-tans must
have black noses, livers and sandies must have brown noses.
Size - Height about 16 inches at withers. This allows for a slight variation below in the case of a bitch and above
in the case of a dog. Weight between 18 and 23 pounds.
Faults - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the
fault should be regarded should be in direct proportion to the degree.
Note - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Pandemic Puppies Study
The Pandemic Puppies study was launched last Tuesday by the RVC. As Secretary for the Bedlington Terrier Health Group, I hope that Bedlington Terrier owners of puppies purchased during 2019 & 2020 in the UK will take part and complete the online survey.
A link to the study can be found at:

The Bedlington Terrier Association
Welcome to the website of the Bedlington Terrier Association